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शनिवार, अगस्त 21, 2010

Egg Recall Brands LIST, Egg Recall Tied to Salmonella Grows

Hillandale Farms of New Hampton, Iowa is voluntarily recalling 170 million shell eggs produced since April that were sent to 14 states in the Midwest and West.

Some 380 million eggs Have Been Recalled Feared and it has been “MOST of the eggs That Would Have Been Consumed in the Last Three Months of May-June and extended July......[Watch Video]

Medical officials at a news conference Thursday broke the shocking news that now 2,000 reports of persons exhibiting salmonella symptoms (aka salmonella poisoning) have been documented by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) between May to July. Health officials warned of an additional troublesome fact; they weren’t even sure if these 2,000 cases were linked to the current brands under recall or other brands.

Egg Recall Brand List

The following brands have been affected with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 229 and plant numbers 1720 and 1942. 

These are the latest batch of brands included after the recall epxanded:
  • Albertson
  • Boomsma’s
  • Farm Fresh
  • Glenview
  • James Farms
  • Kemps
  • Lund
  • Mountain Dairy
  • Pacific Coast
  • Ralph’s
The original egg recall brand list contained the following brands with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 225 and plant numbers 1026, 1413, and 1946.
  • Albertson
  • Boomsma’s
  • Dutch Farms
  • Farm Fresh
  • Hillandale
  • Kemps
  • Lucerne
  • Lund
  • Mountain Dairy
  • Ralph’s
  • Shoreland
  • Sunshine
  • Trafficanda

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