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बुधवार, अगस्त 25, 2010

Asian Paints Primes Its Data With Informatica

Informatica Corporation (INFA), the world's number one independent provider of data integration software, today announced that Asian Paints, a leading paint manufacturer in India, has implemented Informatica PowerCenter, and integral component of the Informatica Platform, to create a highly available, unified product costing system.

Using the Informatica Platform has enabled Asian Paints to slash the time required to run its sophisticated costing model from 24 hours to just 20 minutes, nearly a 99 percent reduction in time. 

The Informatica solution: 

--  Delivers a consistent, trusted view of costing data across multiple
      disparate systems to power critical pricing and marketing decisions,
      cost saving measures, inventory valuations, demand forecasts and income

  --  Increases productivity and opportunities for analytic insight, with
      product costs now calculated concurrently, rather than sequentially,
      across all Asian Paints business units and five paint manufacturing
      plants in India.

  --  Lowers operating costs since business-critical data is now integrated
      and delivered in the right format at the right time.

  --  Simplifies decision-making around ingredients and formulas by enabling
      the setting of varied alternatives across products and production

  --  Replaced legacy standalone pricing system that was subject to extensive
      and costly manual intervention and opportunities for error.

  --  The new product costing system is the latest part of a larger deployment
      of the Informatica Platform at Asian Paints, which has standardized on
      Informatica for data integration enterprise-wide.

 By http://www.investors.com

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