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रविवार, जुलाई 25, 2010

Guru Purnima SMS | Guru Purnima SMS Messages | Guru Purnima Festival

Guru Purnima SMS, Guru Purnima SMS Messages, Guru Purnima 2010 SMS, Guru Poornima SMS Greetings

What is Guru Purnima?
The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory of the great sage Vyasa. 

All Hindus are indebted to this ancient saint who edited the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavata. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Guru of Gurus.  

Guru Purnima SMS

• May Guru's Blessings always shower on you
Wish you a very Happy Guru Purnima

• Love, Blessings and Greetings for this
Auspicious occasion
Happay Guru Purnima

• Guru is Aspiration
Guru is Inspiration
Happy Guru Purnima

• Be greatful towards who
met you with yourself
Wishes on Guru Purnima

• Be devoted to Guru
on this holy day and always
Happy Gurr Purnima

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें


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