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शनिवार, जुलाई 31, 2010

Friendship Day SMS, Friendship Day Scraps, Friendship Day Messages

 friendship day, Friendship day 2010 scraps, Friendship Day Greetings, Friendship day Latest Greetings, Friendship Day Latest Scraps, friendship day messages, Friendship day orkut scraps, Friendship day Pics, friendship day
A friend is sweet when it is new. And it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweetest when it is u.

How long shall v b friends? Do u want a clue? As long as stars twinkle in the sky, till the water runs dry & till the day I die. We will b friends.

“Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.”

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival.”

Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are.  

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God. 

Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other..
CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other...
and TRUE Friends STaY forever
beyond words,
beyond time...**  

FRiEND in different lanaguages...
Iranian - DOST
German - FREUND
Herbew - CHAVER
French - AMi
Pinoy - KAiBiGAN
Dutch - VREND
Mexican - AMiGO

For me.. just simply "YOU" 

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has no end...  

A daily thought...

A silent tear...

A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep...

Memories of our frenship i'll always keep!! 

Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself. 

Friendship Quotes-

“Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.” : Elbert Hubard

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” : Anais Nin

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” : Walter Winchell

“A friend is someone who is there for you when he’d rather be anywhere else.” : Len Wein

“Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise.” : Unknown

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