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रविवार, मई 02, 2010

Nirupama Pathak Woman Journalist Murdered

The mysterious death of a woman journalist Nirupama Pathak at Tilaya in Koderma district of Jharkhand turned out to be a case of murder and not suicide as suggested earlier.

Superintendent of Police Kranti Kumar said the post-mortem report of the body of journalist Nirupama Pathak was received today and confirmed her death was caused by "asphyxia as a result of smothering".

He alleged the family members of the victim had misled the police by first claiming she died of eletrocution, though the incident had taken place in the morning, the police were informed in the evening.

Besides, the victim was strangulated with a rope even after she died, Kumar said adding that a ligature mark was found around her neck.

Source : click here

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