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मंगलवार, अप्रैल 27, 2010

Cut Motion In Parliament , UPA Govt Defeats cut motion

The UPA government managed to defeat the cut motions, sponsored by the BJP and Left parties with ease – 246 MPs voted against the cut motion while 162 voted in favour. 

The opposition party demands reduction of fuel price customs and excise duties. In the Parliament house comprising of 543 members, the Prime Minister needs 272 MPs’ votes to win the majority against the cut motion.
The one cut motion has been levied on the UPA-II government by the opposition parties of 13 Non-NDA, and non-UPA parties which comprise of BJD, RJD, RLD, AIADMK, SP, TDP, JD(S), CPI (M), LJP, INLD, CPI,RSP and Forward Bloc. It has a total potency of 89.
On the other hand the Prime Minister is backed by Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress, Congress, NCP, DMK, National Conference, Janata Dal Secular and MIM.

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