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मंगलवार, अप्रैल 06, 2010

Chhattisgarh Dantewada district CRPF Camp Attacked By Naxals

A 1000 Naxals, an early morning ambush, 73 CRPF men dead. Perhaps more. Who planned the Dantewada attack, the bloodiest-ever in the history of Naxalism?

There are reports that Naxal commander from Andhra Pradesh Katakam Sudarshan is behind the massacre. Sudarshan, alias Anand alias Mohan alias AN alias Birenderji, is a central committee member of the CPI (Maoist).

He carries a Rs 12-lakh reward on his head and his latest assignment, police say, is to command a company of the People's Guerilla Army (PGA) to tackle and stall the Centre's Operation Greenhunt.

The physical description of the 53-year-old would suggest a teacher more than a man of violence. He is described as a stout man 5 feet two inches tall, of dark complexion. He has thick hair with graying sideburns and wears spectacles.

Sudarshan  has been part of the Naxal movement for 30 years and is said to be a very good strategist.

He belongs to the weaver community in Bellampally, Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh and studied at a polytechnic in Warangal. He was a student leader and then joined the Naxal movement. In Andhra Pradesh, Sudarshan is wanted in about 17 cases, including those of murder and looting.

His wife, Sadhana, was a Naxal leader too and was killed in an encounter a few years ago.
Sudarshan is a powerful man in the CPI (Maoist) hierarchy. He heads the central regional bureau which covers the Andhra-Orissa Border, north Telangana zone and Dandakaranya (Chattisgarh). He is also a member of the top command of the Peoples Guerilla Army (PGA)  and the military commission.

Analysts say Sudarshan would have strategised the Dantewada attack and given the nod,  but would not have been physically present when the ambush happened.
report by NDTV

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