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रविवार, अप्रैल 04, 2010

Aiboc Wage Revision | Aibea Wage Revision | Aiboc | Wage Revision

The Bank Wage Revsion Memorandum was signed today with IBA (Indian Bank Association). The bank wage will be effective from the 01 November 2007. The annual wage increase for officers and workmen is 4816 crore rupees.

The Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) have agreed to meet on November 27 to take the wage bipartite talks forward. Over 7 lakh public sector bank employees will keenly wait for the outcome of the meeting. Wage revision for them is due from November 2007.

For more details about the new bank wage revision you can visit the link given below.
Click the link for new bank wage revision : http://www.bankunionaibea.org/newseve.shtml

The other sites related to bank wage revision are given below.
All India Bank Officers Confedration : http://www.aiboc.org

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