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सोमवार, मार्च 29, 2010

Santonio Holmes Sued!

Santonio Holmes, the Steelers WR, was sued by a woman who alleged he threw a glass full of liquor at her earlier this month, according to USA Today.

Court House News reported the suit, in which Anshonoe Mills alleged that Holmes ordered her to “get up” off a couch inside the VIP section of the Rain Night Club in Orlando on March 7. The suit alleged that Holmes and Mills tussled over placement on the couch, with Holmes claiming he had been there before her.

Mills alleged that Holmes threw a glass filled with liquor into her face that cut her.

Holmes has yet to issue a statement and his attorney, Jacques Cooper, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, “We’re not really making comments in-depth about the matter at this time. We’re still looking into the matter and are waiting to hear from Mr. Holmes’ people.”

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