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रविवार, मार्च 28, 2010

Ex-FBI agent Nada Prouty fights to restore reputation

She worked inside Yemen in 2000 after terrorists bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 American sailors. She helped nab Zayd Hassan Safarani for a 1986 hijacking in Pakistan that killed 22 passengers. And she spearheaded the investigation into the 2002 assassination of USAID diplomat Laurence Foley in Jordan.

But today, the 40-year-old former Taylor woman says she is unemployed, shunned by neighbors and regretting that she pleaded guilty in 2007 to federal charges that caused her to forfeit her citizenship and be branded as a Hizballah mole. The feds found out about her while investigating her brother-in-law, prominent Detroit-area restaurateur Talal Chahine, on tax evasion charges.

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