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गुरुवार, जनवरी 07, 2010

Toll Free Help Line Number of Computer/ IT Companies, Support IT

Help Line Number of Various Software/ Hardware/ IT companies. Toll free customer care support numbers of It Related/ Computer issues.

Computers / IT Companies
  • Adrenalin - 1600 444 445
  • AMD - 1600 425 6664
  • Apple Computers - 1600 444 683
  • Canon - 1600 333 366
  • Cisco Systems - 1600 221 777
  • Compaq - HP - 1600 444 999
  • Data One Broadband - 1600 424 1600
  • Dell - 1600 444 026
  • Epson - 1600 44 0011
  • eSys - 3970 0011
  • Genesis Tally Academy - 1600 444 888
  • HCL - 1600 180 8080
  • IBM - 1600 443 333
  • Lexmark - 1600 22 4477
  • Marshal's Point - 1600 33 4488
  • Microsoft - 1600 111 100
  • Microsoft Virus Update - 1901 333 334
  • Seagate - 1600 180 1104
  • Symantec - 1600 44 5533
  • TVS Electronics - 1600 444 566
  • WeP Peripherals - 1600 44 6446
  • Wipro - 1600 333 312
  • Xerox - 1600 180 1225
  • Zenith - 1600 222 004

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