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बुधवार, दिसंबर 09, 2009

Telangana Issue, KCR fast continues, Section 144 Imposed, KCR HEALTH

Telangana Issue | KCR Health Condition | KCR Health | KCR Telangana | KCR Telangana iIssue | Telangana | Telangana Movement | Telangana Districts Map | Telangana State | PM to call all-party meeting on Telangana | Telangana Development 

Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao’s condition deteriorated on the 11th day of his fast-unto-death Wednesday, tension spiralled in Andhra Pradesh’s Telangana region with prohibitory orders being imposed and police taking control of universities to quell protests for a separate state.

The health condition of Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief K Chandrasekhar Rao worsened as his indefinite fast entered 10th day today, triggering panic in political circles and raising fears of violence in an already volatile Telangana region. The fasting leader faced grave danger to his life following rapidly falling protein levels in his blood, a team of doctors monitoring his health condition has warned. The doctors said he must immediately break his fast and start taking food orally in view of the deteriorating health condition.

Prohibitory orders banning the assembly of five or more people were imposed in Hyderabad and nine other districts of Telangana were imposed under Section 144. 

For the second consecutive day, TRS stalled the proceedings of the state assembly Wednesday demanding that it pass a resolution for a separate state of Telangana.

Speaker Kiran Kumar Reddy adjourned the house for 15 minutes as TRS legislators, supported by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Communist Party of India (CPI), gathering near his podium.

Chief Minister K. Rosaiah told the house that the central government was considering the issue of a separate Telangana and that it should be given time.

“It is a sensitive issue. The government has to act responsibly. We can’t just table a resolution like that,” he said.

In Delhi, senior Congress leaders continued hectic talks to find a solution. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Home Minister P. Chidambaram elicited opinions of various leaders from Andhra Pradesh and conveyed the same to Congress president Sonia Gandhi.

TRS also plans to mobilise its workers from neighbouring districts for the proposed rally, the government has mobilised additional police and paramilitary forces from other states.
Police have erected check posts at all the entry points to Hyderabad and asked people of other places to avoid travelling to the city Thursday.

Tension also prevailed at Kaktiya University in Warangal as policemen were deployed in large numbers to prevent any protest. A group of students who are on a hunger strike on the campus are likely to be arrested.

The authorities have already ordered closure of hostels and the mess on campus.

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