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रविवार, दिसंबर 27, 2009

Percy Sutton , Malcolm X Former Lawyer, Dead at 89

Percy Sutton (November 24 1920 - 26th December 2009) was a civil rights activist, lawyer and entrepreneur.

The man once nicknamed the "Prince of Harlem," Percy Sutton, has died. Sutton represented legendary civil rights leader, Malcolm X's until his assassination in 1965. The cause of Sutton's death is not known at this time and his daughter, Cheryl Sutton, has declined comment. Sutton was 89-years-old.

Percy E. Sutton, who displayed fierce intelligence and exquisite polish in becoming one of the nation’s most prominent black political and business leaders, died on Saturday, The Associated Press reported. He was 89.

Marissa Shorenstein, a spokeswoman for Gov. David A. Paterson, confirmed Mr. Sutton’s death but said she did not know the cause, according to The A.P

Percy Sutton was a San Antonio, Texas native. Percy Sutton was the last of fifteen children. His parents Samuel and Lillian were both educators with his father being one of the first blacks in Bexar County.

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