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शुक्रवार, दिसंबर 11, 2009

JNTU Exams postponed , JNTU Anantapur, JNTU Exam

JNTU Kakinada, The examinations scheduled on 11-12-2009 Are Postponed.

In view of situation in various places in JNTUK region, the examinations scheduled on 11-12-2009 are rescheduled as follows.

II B.Tech. II Semester supplementary examination - 14-12-2009,10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

III B.Tech. I Semester supplementary examination - 14-12-2009, 2:30 AM to 5:30 PM

I B.Tech. online examination - 14-12-2009, as per the scheduled given by respective college

For More Information : JNTU Exam Postponed Circular

All examinations of JNTU Anantapur scheduled on 11/12/09 only are postponed. 

The remaining examinations will be conducted as per the Time Table. New date will be notified shortly - Director of Evaluation

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