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रविवार, नवंबर 29, 2009

Kaiga Nuclear Power Radiation Leak , Kaiga Nuclear Power Project

 Kaiga Radiation Leak | 55 Workers exposed to Radiation at Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant | Kaiga NPC Radiation Leak | Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant Tritium Leakage | Kaiga Nuclear Power Corporation | Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant

The radiation leakage in the state-run Kaiga Atomic Power Plant in Karnataka could be an act of sabotage, a top official said on Sunday. A probe has been ordered into the incident by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL).

In New Delhi, Minister of Science Technology Prithviraj Chavan confirmed the "sabotage" at the nuclear plant and said a high-level probe has been ordered.

On 25th November 2009, Tritium contamination of some of the radiation workers was indicated by their routine bioassay.  Thorough survey of the plant areas did not indicate any heavy water leak from any of the reactor systems and the general radiological conditions were found to be normal in the plant areas indicating the tritium uptake of these persons was not due to plant system conditions.

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