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रविवार, नवंबर 08, 2009

Dalai Lama Visited Tawang, Tawang Arunachal Pradesh

tawang monastery, tawang arunachal pradesh, dalai lama, tawang india, dalajlama  

The Dalai Lama, who visited tawang , Arunachal Pradesh after a gap of six years on Sunday , took a swipe at Beijing for objecting to his visit to Arunachal Pradesh and said he was “surprised” over Chinese claims on Tawang.

The 74-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader, said there was no point in holding talks with China on the Tibet issue unless Beijing spells out its policy on it.

"It is quite usual for China to step up campaigning against me wherever I go," the Dalai Lama told reporters after opening a museum at the 400-year-old Tawang Monastery here.

The Tibetan spiritual leader, who said his visit to Tawang was not political but religious and spiritual, urged China to honour the rights of six million Tibetans worldwide.

“The basic issue is not about my going back (to Tibet). It is about the well-being of six million Tibetans,” the Dalai Lama told reporters at the Tawang monastery.

On Chinese objections to his visit to the state, he said: “It is quite usual for China to step up campaigning against me wherever I go.”

He recalled his visit to Tawang 50 years ago while fleeing across the Himalayas after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in Tibet. “I had issued a statement in Tezpur (Assam) in the aftermath of my escape from Tibet in 1959. The Chinese government reacted saying it was not mine but that of officials in India. I repeated that statement in Mussoorie later,” he said.

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