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सोमवार, नवंबर 09, 2009

Abu Azmi Slapped Attacked By MNS MLA Ram Kadam

abu aazmi, abu azmi, abu azmi video, ram kadam mns, shishir shinde, Ram Kadam

There was pandemonium on the first day of the new Maharashtra Assembly on Monday when Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) legislators roughed up Samajwadi Party member Abu Asim Azmi for taking the oath of office in Hindi.

The four legislators of MNS who are suspended for this act : Shishir Shinde, Ram Kadam, who had slapped and punched Samajwadi Party member Abu Asim Azmi, Vasant Gite and Ramesh Banjle. 

Leaders of several political parties from Hindi-speaking states and the CPI on Monday came down heavily on MNS whose members punched SP MLA Abu Asim Azmi for taking oath in Hindi and demanded action against Raj Thackeray for trying to divide the country on grounds of language.

They also termed the incident in the Maharashtra assembly as "anti-national and unconstitutional" and said the country could disintegrate if divisive forces were not checked.

Condemning the attack on Azmi, SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav said his party leader had done the nation proud by taking oath in the national lanaguage. "I would like to congratulate Azmi for maintaining the honour of the national language by taking oath in Hindi,"

Watch Video of Hall Of Shame in Democracy

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