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बुधवार, नवंबर 25, 2009

26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack, Mumbai 26/11 Blast Photos

Tags : 26 11 mumbai terror attack videos, 26 11 photos, 26 11 documentary, mumbai terror attack, 26 11 videos 26 11 photos, 26 11, 26 11 mumbai terror attack, 26/11 attack

The Islamist militants who attacked Mumbai on November 26 last year began their killing spree even before they arrived in India's financial capital, according to the official police account.

Eight of the 10-strong group got off the dinghy that brought them ashore and split into groups of two to head to their designated targets, an abridged version of the formal charge sheet against the sole surviving gunman shows.

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab and Ismail Khan made for the city's main railway station. Once there, they opened fire at commuters on the packed concourse with AK-47 assault rifles and threw hand grenades. Fifty-two people were killed and more than 100 were injured.

Paying homage to victims of the 26/11 carnage on the eve of its first anniversary, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said here on Thursday that India "will not rest" till it has brought the perpetrators of the massacre to justice. Pakistan's measures in this regard in the past 24 hours of formally charging seven suspects were good and welcome, he said at a press conference here, but he suggested that a lot more needs to be done, including dismantling the complete infrastructure of terror nurtured by Islamabad.

Widow of Hemant Karkare, the police officer who was slain in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, had come to Delhi to meet Congress party President Sonia Gandhi regarding the issues involving the investigation of her deceased husband.

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