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शुक्रवार, अक्तूबर 02, 2009

Mahatma Gandhi Pictures , Biography, Wallpapers and Gandhi Quotes on 2nd October Photos

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It’s day of celebrations
Its day to value a special person Person who is the cause of our nation
Who taught world the lesson of non-violence
Its Mahatama Gandhi..
The Father of Nation
Jo Bhagwan ko nahi manta use me Insaan nahi manta,aur,
jo Gandhiji ko nahi manta use me Indian nahi manta
Wishing all Indians happy Gandhi Jayanti
Ishwar alla tero nam sab ko sanmati de bhagwan
In remembarence of the mahatma
happy Gandhi Jayanti.
Satya ahinsha ki andhi hai,
Chalta Seena Tane ,
Bura Na Mano Gandhi Hai
May the spirit of truth and non-violence be with us in this Gandhi Jayanti.
Gandhi Jayanti poem SMS
Raghupati Raghav raja Ram, patit pavan Sita Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram,Bhaj pyare tu Sitaram
Ishwar Allah tero naam, Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan
Jo Bhagwan ko nahi manta use me Insaan nahi manta,
aur, jo Gandhiji ko nahi manta use me Indian nahi manta.
Wishing all Indians happy ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ on 2nd Oct.

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