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मंगलवार, अक्तूबर 13, 2009

IRCTC Login PNR Status, Tatkal Availability, IRCTC Profit and Complain Cell of Indian Railways

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IRCTC has reported profit after tax of Rs 46.5 crore for 2008-09, against Rs 20.75 crore in 2007-08. The company has declared a dividend of 46 per cent.

It contributed Rs 76.3 crore to the revenues of Indian Railways, against Rs 62.8 crore the previous year.

The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) Limited, which looks after catering services on trains, has come in for a lot of flak over the quality of food served.

Though IRCTC has opened various channels to help passengers post their feedback which includes registering complaints on trains itself to improve services, it feels that the latest initiative will provide a correct assessment of its catering services.

On its website 'www.irctc.co.in', the Railway PSU seeks an opinion poll with the question -- How was onboard catering on your last train journey?

Passengers have to click in either of the two -- satisfactory or non satisfactory.

Ministry sources revealed the number of tickets booked through IRCTC has gone up to 44.1 million as against 18.9 million tickets the previous year. The value of tickets booked online through it has gone up by 128 per cent, to Rs 3,889 crore from Rs 1,705 crore in 2007-08.

To improve the quality of catering, IRCTC has set up control rooms at New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Secunderabad. And a toll-free number for redressal of complaints.

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