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शनिवार, अक्तूबर 31, 2009

AP Formation Day 1st November, Andhra Pradesh Formation Day

Andhra Pradesh Formation Day – 1st November , AP Formation Day – 1st November , Andhra Pradesh Formation Day ,  AP Formation Day

Andhra Pradesh was formed from Andhra State on November 1, 1956. Historically the region comprising the state was known as Andhraapatha, Andhradesa, Andhraavani, and Andhra vishaya.

AP Formation Day 2009 Function :

The Hyderabad Doordarshan Kendra will telecast live the Andhra Pradesh Formation Day celebrations from N.T.R. St
adium at 8.30 a.m. on November 1. Chief Minister K. Rosaiah will take the salute at the police ceremonial parade.

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