Tags : joe wilson south carolina, joe wilson congress, joe wilson you lie, congressman joe wilson, joe wilson lied
A Republican House member shouted "you lie" during President Obama's health care speech to Congress on Wednesday, and members of both parties condemned the heckling.
The outburst caused Obama to stop and look toward the heckler. "That's not true," the president responded.
Behind him, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared shocked and turned toward the outburst as Vice President Joe Biden looked down and shook his head. Loud boos echoed through the chamber immediately after the outburst.
After the speech, Republican Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate defeated by Obama last year, called Wilson's outburst "totally disrespectful" and said he should apologize.
Appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live," he said there was "no place for it in that setting or any other and he should apologize immediately."..................Complete Story on CNN
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बुधवार, सितंबर 09, 2009
South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson Calls Obama a Liar During Health Care Speech
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