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शुक्रवार, सितंबर 11, 2009

Read More Inbuilt Features in New Blogger Blog Post

Blogger, most popular blogging platform on web has come with some new features, one of which very popular and useful among blogger with larger post are READ MORE function.

Now you need not to go for any hacks or tips to implement this function.

Blogger call this feature Jump Break. With Jump Breaks you can show just a snippet of your post on your blog's index page. Blogger will insert a "Read more" link to the full post page where your readers can keep reading.

How to use this blogger readmore feature?

Tech News on Mail

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. hi i need ur urgent help my sidebar shift to bottom below the post how can i restore it back to right side plss help me see my blog at http://watsyourblog.blogspot.com plsssss help me as early as possible thnx bye

    जवाब देंहटाएं


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