Tags : joshua bernard, joshua bernard ap photo, associated press, joshua bernard photo, associated press joshua bernard
Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard was killed in a Taliban ambush on August 14th in Helmand province. Associated Press (AP) has published a Joshua Bernard death photo showing the 21-year-old Marine from New Portland, Maine, dying after having the his lower extremities torn apart by a rocket-launched grenade.
The U.S. patrol had a tip that Taliban fighters were lying in ambush, and a Marine had his weapon trained on the trees 70 yards away. “If you see anything move from there, light it up,” Cpl. Braxton Russell told him.
Thirty seconds later, a salvo of gunfire and RPGs — rocket-propelled grenades — poured out of the grove. “Casualty! We’ve got a casualty!” someone shouted. A grenade had hit Lance Cpl. Joshua “Bernie” Bernard in the legs
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