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गुरुवार, अगस्त 06, 2009

Bank Strike PSB and PSU Banks Employees National Strike

Finally Banking Staffs and employees of all the PSU banks go on strike from 6th of August. They have kept a lot of patience. Union h\government has rejected their deman of salary hike which is pending since 2007. All the department of union and state government received salary hike except banks. Instead this is the only service which are having direct dealing with the public, extra work load and it is the industry responsible for generating maximum employement and boosting economy in recent years.
Bank Strike in India on 6th and 7th August has been confirmed by employee unions of the public sector banks across India. The two-day nationwide bank strike from August 6 is to press for wage hikes and other issues.

The unions have rejected the IBA’s ‘all or nothing’ package offer, stating that the revised offer did not meet their demands.

On Tuesday evening, the IBA Chairman, Mr M. V. Nair, approached the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) with a revised package offer. The offer came after both the bilateral and the conciliatory talks had failed earlier in the day. The wage revision of public sector bank officers and employees is due from November 2007.

Besides reversing the reduced offer of 13 per cent wage hike and agreeing to offer 17.5 per cent annual wage increase, the IBA also came up with a new proposal on the pension front in respect of the provident fund optees who want to switch to the existing pension scheme.

The meeting between employee unions and the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) in the presence of the Chief Labour Commissioner has failed to yield any result. The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) Convener C H Venkatachalam confirmed about the strike. The UFBU is an umbrella body of nine bank employee unions of the country and claims to have members from public, private and foreign banks.

One million employees, including officers, will participate in the strike, affecting services in about 60,000 bank branches in the country.

IBA has further reduced the rate of wage hike from the proposed 17.5 per cent to 13 per cent. IBA further did not concede demands on pension and appointing dependants of deceased employees on compassionate grounds.

What Do You Think ? Strikes is geninue for banks wmployees ?

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