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रविवार, मई 17, 2009

LTTE Chief Prabhakaran Dead ?

Does one of the most dangerous man for Sri lankan army Prabhakaran dead ? If the Sri Lankan Army is to be believed, Prabhakaran's body was found. There are also reports that a huge explosion was heard outside where the LTTE chief was reportedly hiding. Sri Lankan defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has hinted that Tamil Tigers chief Velupillai Prabhakaran might have been killed in the air raid on his bunker on Nov 26. "Our intelligence sources believe that he (Prabhakaran) was seriously injured or killed. It is obvious that the LTTE will not divulge this for a long period," Rajapaksa told government-run ‘Sunday Observer’. Tamil rebels admitted defeat in their 25-year-old war with the Sri Lankan government on Sunday, offering to lay down their guns as government forces swept across their last strongholds in the northeast. The government rejected the last-ditch call for a cease-fire, saying the thousands of civilians trapped in the war zone all have escaped to safety and there was no longer any reason to stop the battle. President Mahinda Rajapaksa returned to Sri Lanka [Images] from Jordan where he announced his military's victory over the LTTE, even as two top Tiger leaders were among 70 killed in last legs of fighting amid unconfirmed reports of about 300 rebels committing suicide.

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