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सोमवार, दिसंबर 01, 2008

Access Orkut Without Proxy if Banned Using New Social Networking Site

orkut access,power,social network website

Power.com is unique in one way, I mean to say good start up for all those who are not able to access their social networking sites from their offices or schools or any places where these sites are banned or blocked.

They have come with idea of aggregating all the web 2.0 applications at one place. It means, you will be able to access all the socialnetworking sites like orkut,myspace,HI5 from one place only.

This idea is not very new,there are alredy many such applications are running on web.The main difference is that they came with idea of Portal for Social Media and Networking sites i.e. Portal from where people access their online social lives.

[Power.com Start-up Story]

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