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सोमवार, नवंबर 17, 2008

Top Ten Best Wordpress Adsense Plugin For Money Making

Make Money Online Tips, Use Wordpress blog your money generating sources.List of some common available wordpress plugins.

There are several plugins that could help us monetizing your Wordpress blog, lot of confusion in selecting the best adsense plugin for generating fast money online.Analyze the some common available wordpress plugin online with their pro and cons.

money making,adsense,adsense plugin,wordpress

Adsense Deluxe - Considered as the most popular and most widely used adsense wordpress plug-in.

AdSense Widget for Wordpress Sidebar - Is very easy to use like the one we used above on sidebar ad.

Shylock AdSense - another plugin for easy integration of AdSense ads into your blog; has an interesting feature that lets you set particular ads into blog posts which are more than X days old.

Adsense Injection - This plugin is Little complex. It plays with ads sometime, like placed the code at the bottom, the ad appear on the middle and after refreshed the page, that ad appeared on top.

AdMan - integrates ads directly inside your blog posts. Compatible with AdSense and YPN.

AdSense Manager - a fully featured AdSense manager. Use the latest version only, as older versions had some issues with the AdSense terms and conditions.

AdRotator - afraid of adblindness? AdRotator rotates (doh!) your AdSense ads, and combines them with other advertising programs.

AdSense Attachment - display extra content, like images, in a new page together with AdSense ads.

MightyAdsense - display AdSense ads without modifying the templates. Has a preview for ads in the Wordpress control panel.

Google Ad Wrap - show that pesky Google spider what content on your blog is really important. This plugin is cool.

Adsense Inline - another plugin that makes inserting AdSense into your blog posts really easy. I also tried this one. Its working but I see some minor error.

Adsense Beautifier - places images next to your AdSense ads, which should increase the click through rate. Not recommended for it has some issues with TOS.

Author Adsense - split revenue between several blog authors on the same blog.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System - another revenue sharing plugin for AdSense on Wordpress. Also shows you your earnings in real time. This is good if you have multiple authors.

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