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रविवार, नवंबर 16, 2008

Top 10 Free Software To Download YouTube Videos

Free Software to download youtube videos,following are the best Free online available resources for downloading youtube videos

Delutube - Lets you view deleted Youtube videos.

Video Downloader - a firefox extension that allows you to download youtube videos to your computer from YouTube and most video sites.

YouTubeX - allows you to save and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.

TubeSock - grabs YouTube videos from the web and copies them to your video iPod, Mac, or PlayStation Portable.

VideoDL - is a quick AJAX application that allows you to download online video into your computer. It supports top 3 video sites - YouTube, Google Video, and Break.com.

Download YouTube via bookmarklets - A collection of Greasemonkey scripts and bookmarklets to do the job.

Youtube-dl - is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.4 or later.

KeepVid - Download videos direct from most video sites like YouTube.

YouTube Downloader - enter url and download YouTube videos.

Youtube Grabber - is a free tool that downloads FLV files from youtube.

GooTube FLV Retriever - enter the video page URL, download the youtube video.

Capture Youtube and Google videos - save them as AVI files encoded in the MPEG4 format, using only one command.

YouRipper - a freeware software which enables you to download videos from the YouTube and Google Video

Save YouTube Videos - paste the youtube video url and download the video.

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