In the case of fodder scam, CBI special court sentenced Lalu Yadav to three-and-a-half-year sentence through video conferencing at 5 pm, in the case of fodder scam., Phoolchand, Mahesh, Beck Julius, sentenced to 3.6 years, Jagdish Sharma was sentenced to seven years, lalu and rk rana ko 3.5 year sentence for Lalu's conviction, but today six other accused have been heard in the case of the conviction and it has been decided that ... Case related to the fodder scam 89 lakhs, 27 thousand rupees are illegally evacuated from the bank, in which Ranchi's CBI court heard the judgment on the punishment of 16 convicts, including Bihar's former Chief Minister and RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav. In the fodder scam, Lalu Prasad Yadav on Friday The debate on the sentence was completed .......... Earlier, in the last two days, the trial of ten accused had been heard at the point of conviction ... the hearing started at two o'clock and ended at 2:30Micro went. The Saturday hearing also happened with video conferencing. However, the security arrangements put in the court premises were being guessed that the presence of all the culprits would be presented in the courtroom. .
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शनिवार, जनवरी 06, 2018
Lalu Yadav to three-and-a-half-year sentence
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