On Tuesday, after the day's ups and downs, the Indian stock market is closed with the downturn. The main index Sensex declined by 67.28 points to close at 32,802 and the Nifty fell 9.50 points to close at 10118 levels. On the National Stock Exchange, the mid-cap index gained 0.03 per cent and the smallcap quarter-figure was seen in the weakness. Talking about the sectoral index, all the index except the bank and the financial services are closed in the red mark. Auto (0.53 per cent), FMCG (0.24 per cent), IT (0.51 per cent), metal (0.82 per cent), pharma (0.10 per cent) and realty (0.55 per cent) saw decline. If you talk about the big names in the Nifty, 17 green mark and 33 are down and trading is closed. The fastest growth is in the shares of SBIIN, Bajaj Finance, Yes Bank, Reliance and IndusInd Bank. At the same time, the fall has happened in the shares of Wipro, Hero Moto Corp, ONGC, Tech Mahindra and Tata Steel...........................
Live News
मंगलवार, दिसंबर 05, 2017
Sensex closes 67 points down at 32802
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