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गुरुवार, सितंबर 14, 2017

Japan's gift will be reduced by bullet speed

In the history of Indian Railways, the date of September 14 was marked in the gold coins. PM Narendra Modi of Ahmedabad and PM Shinzo AB of Japan laid the foundation of the bullet train. Speaking on this historic occasion, the PM said that speed and technology is the standard of development. It is a matter of good luck that India has started in that direction. The PM said that bullet train is a big deal for India from Japan. But it should not be seen only with an economic perspective, but it is also a recognition of the friendship of the two countries. PM said that every new work is often said that it is in the interests of the rich, but the reality is that the best use of technology can be done in the promotion of general public. Over the past 100 years, we have progressed in the last 25 years, more than we did in the use of technology. On the foundation of the bullet train, Japan's PM Shinzo AB said that it is an example of coming closer to two countries....

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