Bollywood actor Sushant Rajput and Sarah Ali Khan reached Kedarnath on Wednesday for shooting of Kedarnath film. After visiting the temple here, with the director Abhishek Kapoor, both of them visited many places in Kedarnath. He also reached Bhairavnath...
Bollywood actor Kedarnath reached Kedarnath on Wednesday for shooting for the first time in Hindi film Kedarnath. The team from the helicopter arrived at Kedarnath at 7 in the morning and presented the first Baba Kedar. After this he took shelter and photography with Tirth Purohit. However, he asked everyone to stay away from the photo of his film program. Many people in Kedarnath look eager to see film artists and photograph them
Bollywood actor Kedarnath reached Kedarnath on Wednesday for shooting for the first time in Hindi film Kedarnath. The team from the helicopter arrived at Kedarnath at 7 in the morning and presented the first Baba Kedar. After this he took shelter and photography with Tirth Purohit. However, he asked everyone to stay away from the photo of his film program. Many people in Kedarnath look eager to see film artists and photograph them
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