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मंगलवार, मार्च 26, 2013

Prasar Bharti Recruitment Notification@ssconline2.gov.in

Prasar Bharti Recruitment Notification for 1238 Post of  Programme & Transmission Executive  for which recruitment process will be executed by Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Candidates need to apply online through SSC recruitment portal : http://ssconline2.gov.in on or before 19th April 2013

Prasar Bharti Vacancy Details of Programme & Transmission Executive

Programme Executive (Group-B): 360 Posts
Transmission Executive (Group-B): 806 Posts
Transmission Executive (Production Assistant) Group-B: 72 Posts

Age Limits: Maximum age of the candidates should be 30 years as on 1st January 2013.

Pay Scale: Rs.9300/- to Rs.34,800/- + Grade Pay of Rs.4,200/-

Selection Process:

The selection will be based on the objective and subjective written test conducted by SSC.

Prasar Bharti Recruitment 2013 Written Examination Pattern:
PaperSubjectMaximum MarksDuration
Paper-I (Objective Type)General Intelligence & Reasoning (50 Questions)5010.00 am to 12.00 noon10.00 am to 12.40 pm for VH Candidates
General English (50 Questions)50
General Awareness (100 Questions)100
Paper-II (Descriptive Type)Language and literature concerned2002.00 pm to 3.30 pm2.00 pm to 4.00 pm for VH candidates

Application Fee: Candidates need to pay Rs.200/- as fee. (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women Candidates)

Online Application Form: http://ssconline2.gov.in/mainmenu2.php

For Detailed Advertisement : Recruitment Notification

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